Jan 17, 2021

Harley Merlin And The Secret Coven(Harley Merlin,#1)


                       CONTAINS SPOILERS


 When a rogue 19-year-old witch is recruited to help guard an ancient magical Bestiary, a breath-stealing journey begins... 

Being an empath has its advantages. 

Harley Merlin can sense people’s emotions, among other things. It’s how she snagged her first job pinpointing cheaters at a casino. 

But she has no clue where she got these freakish powers because she spent her childhood jumping from home to home in the foster system, and her father left her with nothing more than a cryptic note.
Then she crosses paths with a terrifyingly real monster. Which is when a mysterious and annoyingly arrogant young warlock named Wade Crowley steps in, introducing her to a hidden world of beasts, magicals, and covens riddled with secrets—as well as clues about her murky past. 

Whether she likes it or not, this new world is where she belongs. But after a disturbing twist of events, Harley quickly realizes that her past is darker than she could ever have imagined.
And that someone in the coven is out for her blood. 

With the help of Wade and her new friends, she must figure out who the traitor is and why they’re targeting her... Before, the human and magical worlds dangerously collide. 




 Magical. Mysterious. Delightful. 

I wasn’t aware of the series until one of my best friends mentioned it. I was curious about it, Harley Merlin sounded the type of book that I love. She sent me the first two books for my birthday and the third for Christmas. When I picked up Harley Merlin And The Secret Coven within the first few pages of the book, I was hooked. I noticed in the reviews that it was compared to Harry Potter , but to me, it was nothing like Harry Potter . Harley Merlin And The Secret Coven is unique, and you cannot help but fall in love with a magical world. I have read multiple books about witches and warlocks through the years, but I have never read one that dealt with covens. I loved discovering their world, and I was amazed that there was more than one coven. I loved how almost everyone was like a family. While reading the book, there was part of me that wished they existed, and I would love to escape into that world. When Harley discovered it from Wade, I was curious if she would join or walk away. 

Harley. She was one of the characters that I couldn’t help but love. There were moments that she annoyed me based on the way she acted. On the other end, I couldn’t blame her, especially once she discovered the reason behind her being different. Empath. I cannot even begin to imagine how that must feel like to handle others' emotions. I love helping others, but that would be too much for her. I know that it got overwhelming to her at times, mostly when they were in a large group of people. I think Wade disliked it more; I could tell how uncomfortable he was, the fact that she could feel his emotions. He knew that he couldn’t hide the feelings from her; she would pick up on it right away. Wade’s complicated character and you go back and forth between liking him and being annoyed with him. I wonder why he kept fighting with Harley, which is his attraction to Harley. From the moment that the two of them met, there was something there. I’m eager to see if anything happens with the two of them in the next book. 

Harley Merlin And The Secret Coven is not a book that you will be able to put down. I spent hours reading the book. There wasn’t a page where there wasn’t anything happening. I felt as I was there, along with Harley and her friends. I love the mystery surrounding the book, the mystery around who was letting gargoyles out and why. I was sure that Garett, whom I had a bad vibe from the moment he was introduced. That’s why I was in shock when the real person was discovered. I love books where you keep on guessing up until the end. I have an immense feeling that it’s far from over. His reaction when he was caught and arrested wasn’t normal. I cannot get over how blown away I was by this book. When I reached the end of the book, I picked up the next book in the series right away. I cannot wait to see what adventures and challenges await Harley and her friends next.


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon