May 25, 2024

The Hospital.


Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher,Bookoture, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

When I wake up, I know three things. My name is Emma. Someone tried to kill me. And I can’t remember who. When I blink, my eyelashes brush against scratchy cloth. My fingers twitch, numb and distant. In the distance, sirens wail. I’m in the hospital. I should be safe here, but I know I’m not. The last thing I remember is running, seeing an arm raised to strike… Why would anyone want to kill me? 

Desperately, I piece together my scattered memories. I’m standing with my husband on sugar-white sand, our rings glinting in the sunlight. I’ll get better, and I’ll go home to him, and he will protect me. But when he visits, his new girlfriend is on his arm. He tells me we got divorced three years ago, and my world falls apart. What else have I forgotten?The only way I can keep myself safe is to uncover the answers buried deep in my mind. 

But as I talk to my visitors—listening to the gentle tones of the doctors and nurses, grateful for the care of my friends and family—I start to see the lies that contradict what I remember of my life. They say it’s just my broken memory. But I know the shocking I can’t trust a word anyone says…


Whoa. When I placed my Netgalley request for the book, I hadn't anticipated this. From the book's synopsis, I knew it would be an exciting read, but I wasn't prepared for all the twists along the way. I haven't read any of Leslie Wolfe's books before, so I wasn't sure what to anticipate when I started with The Hospital . Looking forward to reading her other works. A lot was going on in the novel, and at one point I started to question everyone—including the nurses—because I thought something wasn't quite right. I was constantly wondering what Emma would find out and whether she would ever fully heal from her accident. Above all, I couldn’t resist wondering who would try to kill Emma and why. 

There were a few parts at the beginning that seemed to drag on. However, the plot quickened, and I found myself unable to put the book down. I liked that the narrative was told from Emma's perspective since it allowed us to see all her emotions. I can't even begin to comprehend her feelings upon awakening at that hospital and learning of what had happened. I was engrossed in this novel and, just when I thought it could get any more surprising, the author gave us yet another twist. I still can’t seem to get the story out of my head. I do feel like the ending wasn’t quite completed. I enjoyed reading The Hospital and am glad that I got a chance to read it. I would highly recommend it to any psychological thriller fans.


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon