May 28, 2024

The Finders Keepers Library.


Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Grand Central Publishing/Forever for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review

For a gardener blessed with a green thumb, Savannah Collins’s life sure seems like it’s all thorns, zero roses. She has no job, no relationship, and no place to live. With nothing but a car full of plants and her new rescue kitten, Savannah heads to Bloom, North Carolina, to spend the summer with her beloved Aunt Eleanor, a retired librarian. 

Her aunt shares her love of literature with the Finders Keepers Library, located in her beautiful garden, where anyone can stop by to pick a book or leave a book. When a sudden summer storm destroys the library and many of the roses, it will take a village to get everything ready for the garden wedding that is planned there in just three weeks. 

As the entire town joins in to make the necessary repairs, Savannah bonds with their neighbor Evan Sanders over the books that Eleanor has handpicked for each of them, helping them both find healing and self-discovery. Savannah only intends to stay through the summer, but when an unexpected job offer, a sudden health crisis, and a wayward pre-teen push her future in new directions, she has to wonder whether this is the place that she is meant to be—and the family she’s meant to be with.


I love books about books! Maybe because I love to read, but those have always been my favorite kinds of stories. The book's cover was another thing that drew me into The Finder Keepers Library. How is it possible for a reader to look at the cover without being drawn in? It's among the most gorgeous book covers I've ever seen. I knew I had to check it out as soon as I saw the author's name. I adored the books Annie Rains’ Hero's Welcome that I read years ago. I remembered why while reading The Finders Keepers Library ; this author has a talent for drawing you into the story and making it hard to put down. I can't stop thinking about the characters and imagining what will happen to them next. 

Savannah was my favorite character in the book out of all of them. It was hard not to love her. I can’t imagine having to go through such a life-changing event. Although Savannah may not believe it, she was strong in a lot of different ways. Though she didn't know June well, I admired how much she loved June and how much she cared for her Aunt Eleanor. Savannah is just what June needed. However, my relationship with June was one of hate and love. I felt that I understood why she acted the way that she did, even though I didn't like how she treated her dad despite seeing how hard he was trying. All I could hope for was that she would grow to love Bloom and remain with her dad. 

Evan. How could you not love him? I loved how he looked out for Eleanor and Savannah and did everything in his power to give her daughter a sense of belonging. There was a connection between them that was evident as soon as Savannah arrived from Bloom; all I could hope for was that Savannah would come to realize that as well. I experienced a wide range of emotions when reading The Finders Keepers Library, and I found myself recommending it to my friends. 

I thought the book started slowly, and at first, I had a hard time empathizing with June and Eleanor. However, that was only a few chapters long, after which I became engrossed in the story. Any fans of romance should check this out, an unforgettable story.


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon