Jul 8, 2024

The Beautiful People.


Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Harlequin Trade Publishing/Graydon House, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

It’s 1961, and for Margo Hightower, everything is about to change. True, her engagement is off, her family has fallen in scandal, and she's completely broke. But she’s just been hired as assistant to photographer Slim Aarons—famous for his vibrant pictures of high society, royalty, and Hollywood stars—and she knows this opportunity is her ticket to something better. 

From the bright beaches of Acapulco to glitzy parties in New York, Margo is thrown headfirst into the glamorous jet-set world she so covets, observing its ways from behind the camera as Slim’s sidekick. There’s Jackie Kennedy, Truman Capote and his Swans, a host of Vanderbilts. Beautiful people in beautiful places. 

But when they land in Palm Beach, a scene with few rules and many riches, the lines between work and play begin to blur. As Margo becomes swept up in the city’s social circle—and into a friendship with heiress and rising fashion designer Lilly Pulitzer—the golden life seems increasingly in reach. Until she finds herself entangled in a complicated web of loyalties and secrets that could bring it all crashing down…


When I started reading The Beautiful People, I felt like I was transported to 1960. I liked that it was set in Palm Beach, Florida, where I used to live, so I was already familiar with the area and how it dealt with photography. I am not a professional photographer, but I love photography. I've read some historical fiction, but none of them related to photography. One of the things I liked best about this book was how unusual it was from others I'd read, and practically every page kept me wanting more and wondering what would happen to Margo next. I found myself embarking on excursions together with Margo and Slim Aaron. 

I was curious to see how long Margo would last as an assistant. Slim Aaron was first hesitant to have her as his assistant, and I wondered if Margo could endure him. Margo appeared to pick up on what he wanted quickly and being Slim Aaron's assistant transformed her into an entirely different person. When I first started reading The Beautiful People . I didn't think I'd be able to relate to Margo, but she ended up being one of my favorite characters. I was curious to know how the story might end for Margo. 


Lily was a character I was unsure about. I was grateful for the bond she developed with Margo; she was the friend Margo needed. However, I disagreed with how she handled others at the same time. There was something about her I disliked. I didn't know if Lily and Margo's friendship would last, but I hoped it would. The book's title, The Beautiful People , immediately caught my curiosity. The title was a perfect match given Margo's role in the story. The descriptions in the novel were delightful and made me wish I was there with Margo; I quickly fell in love with the surroundings and the characters. 

I came upon Michelle Gable's works but haven't got the chance to read them. Now I wish I had read her books earlier. I'm delighted I had an opportunity to explore her world in The Beautiful People, and eager to see what awaits us next.


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon