Jun 29, 2024

Husbands & Lovers.



Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, Random Publishing Group/Ballantine, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Two women—separated by decades and continents, and united by a mysterious family heirloom—discover second chances at love in this sweeping novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Summer Wives. 

A sprawling and exciting new novel from Beatriz Williams, the acclaimed author of A Hundred Summers and The Summer Wives.




Have you encountered an author whose writing makes you fall in love every time you read it? Beatriz Williams is one of those authors for me. Every time I read one of her novels, I'm hooked and can't seem to get enough of the plot, reading until I reach the final page. I first read a book she co-wrote with Karen White & Lauren Willig in 2018, and I have been reading her books since then. When I heard that she was writing a new book, I immediately requested it at Netgalley. I’m so glad that I did. Husbands and Lovers is a book you will not want to put down once you start it. I'm delighted to have the opportunity to read Mallory and Hannah's stories. 

I love dual stories, particularly those that take place years apart. Hannah and Mallory were set years apart, and I questioned if there was any connection between the two storylines from the start. I loved reading both Hannah and Mallory's stories. I liked that Hannah's story took place in Egypt, which I hadn't read much about, and I learned much more about it simply from reading this book. Mallory, I loved her character development and her devotion to her son, Sam. I knew from the start that she would do anything for Sam. Of course, I couldn't help but think about Sam's father, and I had a feeling that if she kept it a secret for this long, it would ultimately come out. I wondered about why she kept it a secret. 

I liked both Hannan and Mallory's timelines, which had you on the edge of your seat. However, Mallory and Monk's story interested me a bit more; I couldn't get enough of their story. I wondered what had occurred between them and if they would get back together. I hoped that they would. I read late into the night because I was busy studying throughout the day. The beginning was slow, but I couldn't put the book down after a few pages. Husbands and Lovers is a story you won't forget. I'm excited to see what Beatriz Williams has in store for us next!

Jun 27, 2024

The Midnight Feast.



  Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher, William Morrow, for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Secrets. Lies. Murder. Let the festivities begin... 

The deliciously twisty new locked room murder mystery from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List and The Paris Apartment. 

It’s the opening night of The Manor, and no expense, small or large, has been spared. The infinity pool sparkles; crystal pouches for guests’ healing have been placed in the Seaside Cottages and Woodland Hutches; the “Manor Mule” cocktail (grapefruit, ginger, vodka, and a dash of CBD oil) is being poured with a heavy hand. Everyone is wearing linen. 

But under the burning midsummer sun, darkness stirs. Old friends and enemies circulate among the guests. Just outside the Manor’s immaculately kept grounds, an ancient forest bristles with secrets. And the Sunday morning of opening weekend, the local police are called. Something’s not right with the guests. There’s been a fire. A body’s been discovered. 


It all began with a secret, fifteen years ago. Now the past has crashed the party. And it’ll end in murder at… The Midnight Feast. 


In 2021, I read The Guest List and fell in love with the story and characters. I was happy to discover that Lucy Foley was writing a new novel, and I requested a copy when I saw it on NetGalley. The Midnight Feast did not meet my expectations, and I struggled to connect with the story. It wasn't that I didn't enjoy the story; I enjoyed a few aspects of it, and most plot twists caught me off guard. I enjoyed the atmosphere in the novel; it is the type of atmosphere that I like, and I pictured myself transforming there. I liked the mystery of the birds and black feathers. That was one of the most intriguing aspects of the book. 

Aside from the Birds, The Summer Journal was an enjoyable read, and I saw how the characters were as teenagers. There were a few aspects in the book where I wondered what would happen next, and usually, I was wrong. It may be because the book was written from five distinct points of view, but I found myself unable to connect with any of the characters except Eddie, who was the only one I liked in the book. Most of the characters lacked character development, making connecting with them difficult. A few parts of the story dragged on and lacked an explanation or link, making it difficult to follow. 

Despite this, I enjoyed the novel, particularly the mystery, and I enjoyed reading from Eddie's point of view, as I believe he was the most developed character. If you enjoy mysteries, I recommend checking out this story. I'm pleased I got the chance to read this book.

Jun 25, 2024

It Ends With Us(It Ends With Us, #1)




Sometimes it is the one who loves you who hurts you the most. 

Lily hasn’t always had it easy, but that’s never stopped her from working hard for the life she wants. She’s come a long way from the small town in Maine where she grew up — she graduated from college, moved to Boston, and started her own business. So when she feels a spark with a gorgeous neurosurgeon named Ryle Kincaid, everything in Lily’s life suddenly seems almost too good to be true. 

Ryle is assertive, stubborn, maybe even a little arrogant. He’s also sensitive, brilliant, and has a total soft spot for Lily. And the way he looks in scrubs certainly doesn’t hurt. Lily can’t get him out of her head. But Ryle’s complete aversion to relationships is disturbing. Even as Lily finds herself becoming the exception to his “no dating” rule, she can’t help but wonder what made him that way in the first place. 

As questions about her new relationship overwhelm her, so do thoughts of Atlas Corrigan — her first love and a link to the past she left behind. He was her kindred spirit, her protector. When Atlas suddenly reappears, everything Lily has built with Ryle is threatened.


I've been hearing about this book for years. My friends kept talking about it, and I read numerous reviews about this book. I can see what the fuss is about. It Ends With Us is a book you won't forget. I finished it this morning and still can't get the story out of my head. This book sometimes ripped my heart into a million pieces, but I found it difficult to put it down. I was curious to know what would happen, and throughout the novel, I prayed for Lily's happy ending. There were times when I tried to make Lily realize that Ryle was not the same person when she met him and that things would only get worse if she didn’t do anything. 

I despised Ryle. There were times when he was an excellent partner, but it didn't excuse his actions. I had a friend who was in an abusive relationship, and those were their only excuses, but it didn't stop them from doing it again. I had a feeling that there was something wrong with Ryle, solely based on how he acted on the roof and how angry he was when introduced in the book. Like Lily, I ignored it, especially after seeing how sweet he was with her when they first started dating. This is the first book I read when I didn’t want the couple to end up together. 

I loved Lily's letters to Ellen; they were my favorite part of the novel. There were so many emotions there, and I felt every one of them. I was curious by the book's title, It Ends With Us . As I read Lily's story, I realized why. It Ends With Us was my third novel by Coleen Hoover , and I loved the story itself, but it wasn't my favorite. Now that I've read the book, I can't wait to see the movie in August. I am also excited to read the rest of her works.


Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon