Aug 10, 2024

The Summer Pact.



Four freshmen arrive at college from completely different worlds: Lainey, a California party girl with a flair for drama; Tyson, a brilliant scholar and law school hopeful from D.C.; Summer, a recruited athlete and perfectionist from the Midwest; and Hannah, a mild-mannered southerner who is content to quietly round out the circle of big personalities. Soon after moving into their shared dorm, they strike up a conversation in a study lounge, and the seeds of friendship are planted. 

As their college years fly by, their bond intensifies and the four become inseparable. But as graduation nears, their lives are forever changed after a desperate act leads to tragic consequences. Stunned and heartbroken, a pact is made to be there for each other in their time of need, no matter how separated they are by circumstances or distance. 

Ten years later, Hannah is anticipating what should be one of the happiest moments of her life when everything is suddenly turned upside down. Calling on her closest friends, it soon becomes clear that they are facing their own crossroads. True to their promise, they agree to take a time out from lives headed in wrong directions and embark on a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and acceptance. 

In this tender portrayal of grief, love, and hope, Emily Giffin asks: When things fall apart, who will be at our sides to help pick up the pieces? 



I enjoyed this book, even if it wasn't what I expected. I wasn't sure what I expected but given how popular it was and the waitlist, I had high expectations for this book. It wasn't that I didn't like the book; I enjoyed the most of it, just not as much as I expected. The beginning of The Summer Pact drew me in and sparked my interest in the story. I kept flipping the pages, wondering where the three friends would wind up on their road trip. I loved how the story was delivered from multiple viewpoints, which helped me understand each character more. Tyson was my favorite among the three characters. I didn't dislike Lainey or Hannah, but there was something about that I didn't like. 

I didn't like how Hannah forced Lainey to meet her sisters. I understand why she did, but I feel like she didn't even allow Lainey to make her own decision. That was one of the things that I didn’t like about Hannah. Lainey, I didn't always like how she interacted with people, especially when they tried to help her. I felt that some of the characters' storylines were rushed. By the middle of the novel, the pace slowed, and there was less action than I had anticipated. I still enjoyed reading the book, but I felt the story dragged on the multiple parts. 

I really enjoyed the book's ending and reading about the friend's road trip. There should have been more character building in the beginning, instead of them meeting to graduation and not giving us a chance to get to know each character or witness their friendship blossom. The Summer Pact is my first novel by Emily Griffin , and I'm excited to read more of her books.


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon