Feb 15, 2020

I Know You Remember.

i know you remember.
Jennifer Donaldson.

Publisher  Razorbill.
Publication Date:October 8,2019
Genre: YA Thriller.
Format|Pages: Hardcover|336.
 Source:  Goodreads|Library.


Zahra Gaines is missing.

After three long years away, Ruthie Hayden arrives in her hometown of Anchorage, Alaska to this devastating news. Zahra was Ruthie's best friend--the only person who ever really understood her--and she vows to do whatever it takes to find her.

Zahra vanished from a party just days before Ruthie's return, but the more people she talks to, the more she realizes that the Zahra she knew disappeared long before that fateful night. Gone is the whimsical, artistic girl who loved books and knew Ruthie's every secret. In her place is an athlete, a partier, a girl with secrets of her own. Darker still are the rumors that something happened to Zahra while Ruthie was gone, something that changed her forever...

As Ruthie desperately tries to piece together the truth, she falls deeper and deeper into her friend's new world, circling closer to a dangerous revelation about what Zahra experienced in the days before her disappearance--one that might be better off buried. 


Intriguing. Filled with unexpected twists.

Oh man, I do not even know how to begin to explain this book. I KNOW YOU REMEMBER is one of those books that will have you going through the emotions from beginning until the end. A book where the twists were unexpected and you found yourself in shock as you read it. I had a feeling that this book would be intense, based to the summary of the book and yet I was not prepared for some of the things that I read. I found myself how I did not see it, but then there were no signs pointing to it. I KNOW YOU REMEMBER is a book when the person that you do not even think about being involved in some way is the most troubled one. I do think that is what is the most interesting about this book, is the way it is written and it makes you wonder if maybe there were signs but you missed it. At first, I was not even sure that I believed it, that there was a possibility that she was involved in some way. I even liked her and maybe that is why I had trouble believing it at first. Those are the types of mysteries that are my favorites when the most unexpected happens. It is intriguing and keeps you on reading because you find yourself needed to see what happens next, how it all ends.

The descriptions, the emotions of Ruthie, Zahra were incredible. I felt as I was there along with them, feeling and going through everything that they were. Both of those characters were real to me. I liked Ruthie, at least in the beginning I did. She seemed type of character that I would liked to be friends with. At least until the truth was discovered. I feel that if it was not for Zahra, the truth might never been found out. There are some scenes in I KNOW YOU REMEMBER that was hard to read and yet you will find yourself unable to stop. I did wonder about the title when I came across it at library, besides the cover, it was one of the first things that had me pick up the book and check out. Once I read the book, the title and the cover of the book made a lot sense and it fit the story perfectly. I still cannot seem to get the story out of my mind. It was a first book that I read by JENNIFER DONALDSON and now that I have, I am eager to check her other works.

Do you love young adult? Do you enjoy mysteries with unexpected twists? Then be sure to check out I KNOW YOU REMEMBER. However, be prepared for electrifying, extraordinary ride!


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Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon