Mar 7, 2025

Beautiful Ugly.



Author Grady Green is having the worst best day of his life. 

Grady calls his wife to share some exciting news as she is driving home. He hears Abby slam on the brakes, get out of the car, then nothing. When he eventually finds her car by the cliff edge the headlights are on, the driver door is open, her phone is still there. . . but his wife has disappeared. 

A year later, Grady is still overcome with grief and desperate to know what happened to Abby. He can’t sleep, and he can’t write, so he travels to a tiny Scottish island to try to get his life back on track. Then he sees the impossible — a woman who looks exactly like his missing wife. 

Wives think their husbands will change but they don’t. 

Husbands think their wives won’t change but they do.



I did not expect that. It blew my mind. I'm still trying to grasp what I just read. Throughout my life, I've read a lot of thrillers with many twists. Beautiful Ugly surprised me with many unexpected twists, which I loved. There were a few twists that were more believable than others. There were a few twists that had me wondering what I just read. I even went back and re-read it to be sure I got it right. In some cases, I wondered how it was possible. Beautiful Ugly had everything I enjoy in a thriller, with the story keeping you on the edge of your seat until the end. I could not stop turning the pages. 

I sensed something strange about people living on the island; something was wrong with them. I didn't trust any of them; I tried, but it was difficult not to, just based on how they acted. I felt that they knew something that they weren’t telling Grady. I liked how the story was told from two perspectives, one from an unreliable narrator, which added to the suspense. Reading from both perspectives, I sometimes didn't know who to believe and wondered who was telling the truth. Beautiful Ugly is the book that will make you think because each chapter will have you second-guessing everything. 

My first book by Alice Feeney was Beautiful Ugly . I was thrilled to get the opportunity to read her book when it was selected for my book club. I can't wait to read the rest of her books now. The book's setting—a Scottish island—is among my favorite aspects of it. One of the countries I hope to visit in the future is Scotland. The island's name, The Isle of Amberley, was something I adored. Because the people and the setting were so vividly described, I imagined the story in my head as though I were watching a movie. Several of the twists seemed a little overdone to me. Overall, I was captivated by the story. I would highly recommend it to thrillers fans.

Mar 6, 2025

One Good Thing.


Thank you to publisher, PENQUIN GROUP|Pamella Dorman Books for providing me with ARC via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

1940, Emilia Romagna. Lili and Esti have been best friends since meeting at the University of Ferrara; when Esti’s son Theo is born, they become as close as sisters. There is a war being fought across borders, and in Italy, Mussolini’s Racial Laws have deemed Lili and Esti descendants of an ‘inferior’ Jewish race, but life somehow goes on—until Germany invades northern Italy, and the friends find themselves in occupied territory 

Esti, older and fiercely self-assured, convinces Lili to flee first to a villa in the countryside to help hide a group of young war orphans, then to a convent in Florence, where they pose as nuns and forge false identification papers for the Underground. When disaster strikes at the convent, a critically wounded Esti asks Lili to take a much bigger step: To go on the run with Theo. Protect him while Esti can’t.
Terrified to travel on her own, Lili sets out on an epic journey south toward Allied territory, through Nazi-occupied villages and bombed-out cities, doing everything she can to keep Theo safe. 


From the first chapter, I was captivated by this story. I may not understand what it's like to live through the War, but reading from Lili's point of view made me feel connected to her and everything she and Theo went through. While reading this novel, I felt so many emotions, including dread, fury, and hope. I was angry at what the Germans were putting everyone through in this horrific war, afraid that Lilli and Theo would be discovered and captured, and hopeful that they would make it through the war. I've read many World War II historical fiction books over the years, so I was pleased that this one occurred in Italy rather than Europe. I felt like I learned so much about what Italy had endured during that awful time. One Good Thing is a story that makes you think about many topics, including what you would do in Lili's situation. 

I adored Lilli from the start. Running with her best friend’s son, Theo, could be easy without her best friend. That’s an unbreakable bond when you would do anything for your friend, even if it’s the hardest thing you must do. Not only did the war affect Lilli, but it also changed Theo, who had to bear a great deal for someone so little. Without his mother by his side, I can't even comprehend what was going through his head then. I was glad that it was Lilli that he had by his side. Throughout the novel, I hoped Lilli would find a way to reconnect with her best friend, Esti. I, like Lilli, wondered what had happened to her. I admired Lilli's determination to find her best friend. Their friendship reminded me so much of myself and my best friend, Mariah. 

In 2019, I read Georgia Hunter's debut novel, We Were The Lucky Ones, and fell in love with the story, writing, and characters. I enjoyed everything about that book but loved One Good Thing much more. Despite the heavy theme, I read late into the night to see how it would end. It was evident to me how much research went into this book. I have discovered yet another favorite author, and I am eager to see what comes next from Georgia Hunter ! One Good Thing is about love, friendship, courage, and hope. I would highly recommend it to any historical fiction fans.

Mar 2, 2025

Fool Me Once(Detective Sami Kierce,#1)



Former special ops pilot Maya, home from the war, sees an unthinkable image captured by her nanny cam while she is at work: her two-year-old daughter playing with Maya’s husband, Joe—who was brutally murdered two weeks earlier. The provocative question at the heart of the mystery: Can you believe everything you see with your own eyes, even when you desperately want to? To find the answer, Maya must finally come to terms with deep secrets and deceit in her own past before she can face the unbelievable truth about her husband—and herself. 




Harlan Coben has been on my to-read list for a while, and I've heard a lot about his books. Now that I've read Fool Me Once , I see why so many people like him. He writes the type of suspense books I enjoy: those that keep you guessing until the end. The suspense in this novel was never-ending; just as I was about to put it down, another twist kept me turning the pages for hours. I was curious what Maya might uncover next. I had the same idea as Maya: Could Joe be alive? . I questioned whether Joe faking his death since Maya saw him on the nanny cam. 

I liked Maya right away. I liked her determination to find out what had happened. At the same time, I was concerned that she would get into trouble or get herself killed by asking the questions she shouldn’t be asking. Every discovery Maya made sparked new concerns about what was happening and who was involved. I enjoyed how the plot kept me wondering; just when I thought I knew who was responsible, another discovery proved me wrong. There was so much going on that while I wasn't reading, I was thinking about the story and wondering what would happen next. 

The beginning was slow, and it took me a few chapters to get into the story. However, I didn't want to put the book down once the story picked up. I didn't see that end coming; I felt like I should have, but I didn't. I finished the book last night and am still thinking about the ending. After reading the novel, I'm excited to watch the Netflix series. I'm excited to see what happens with Detective Kierce in the next book, Nobody's Fool , and to check out the rest of Harlan Coben's works.

Mar 1, 2025

Harlem Rhapsody.



In 1919, as civil and social unrest grips the country, there is a little corner of America, a place called Harlem where something special is stirring. Here, the New Negro is rising and Black pride is evident everywhere…in music, theatre, fashion and the arts. And there on stage in the center of this renaissance is Jessie Redmon Fauset, the new literary editor of the preeminent Negro magazine The Crisis. 

W.E.B. Du Bois, the founder and editor of The Crisis, has charged her with discovering young writers whose words will change the world. Jessie attacks the challenge with fervor, quickly finding sixteen-year-old Countee Cullen, seventeen-year-old Langston Hughes, and Nella Larsen, who becomes one of her best friends. Under Jessie’s leadership, The Crisis thrives, the writers become notable and magazine subscriptions soar. Every Negro writer in the country wants their work published in the magazine now known for its groundbreaking poetry and short stories. 

Jessie’s rising star is shining bright….but her relationship with W.E.B. could jeopardize all that she’s built. The man, considered by most to be the leader of Black America, is not only Jessie’s boss, he’s her lover. And neither his wife, nor their fourteen-year-age difference can keep the two apart. Their torrid and tumultuous affair is complicated by a secret desire that Jessie harbors — to someday, herself, become the editor of the magazine, a position that only W.E.B. Du Bois has held.
In the face of overwhelming sexism and racism, Jessie must balance her drive with her desires. However, as she strives to preserve her legacy, she’ll discover the high cost of her unparalleled success. 



A beautiful story that you will never forget. 

In 2022, I read Victoria Christopher Murray 's book, The Personal Librarian, which she co-wrote with Marie Benedict, and fell in love with the story. Harlem Rhapsody was the first solo book by the author I read, and from the moment I began it, I wanted to recommend it to my friends. Jessie’s story captured my attention from the beginning until almost the end. The middle of the book had a few sections that were slow. I loved how realistic the story felt and how the vivid descriptions of the setting transported me to New York City in the 1920s. Jessie Fauset is someone I will not forget. She fascinated me so much that I did my own research after finishing the book. 

From the moment I started reading this book, I could tell how much research went into it. I had never heard of Jessie Fauset until I started reading Harlem Rhapsody, and I felt as if I learned so much; she was an amazing woman. I had mixed feelings about Jessie and WEB DuBois’ relationship. I could tell how much Jessie cared about WEB, but there were times when I questioned WEB’s feelings. On the other hand, there were moments when I could see how much he adored her. I was curious to see where their relationship would go. I admired Jessie's commitment to her work; no matter what happened or how difficult the situation became; she never gave up. 

I enjoyed learning about Jessie's journey and her impact on others. I am curious to learn more about her. I had previously read black history historical fiction, but none hit me like Harlem Rhapsody; I'm still going through the emotions. I loved the author's historical note at the end of the novel, which sparked my interest in Jessie Fauset. I believe this is one of those works that should be read at least once. I would highly recommend to any historical fiction fans. Now I can't wait to see what she has planned for us next!


Story For Dessert Published @ 2014 by Ipietoon